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At Allentown Central Catholic, musicians, vocalists, actors, graphic designers, sculptors, painters, and artists are given the opportunity showcase their talents. These students learn about history, foundational principles, and are assessed mainly by studio-based or performance-based projects. From art to theatrical productions to concerts, ACCHS's love for creativity shines. Our comprehensive fine arts curriculum helps to provide each student with a full range of study that keeps our students involved and engaged. Students of every skill level are invited and encouraged to broaden their knowledge in one of the arts disciplines, and thereby fulfill their one fine arts credit requirement for graduation. Students are able to concentrate in one specific area of the arts, thus preparing them more completely for further collegiate studies. The students will complete graduated levels of instruction in their particular discipline, build college prep portfolios, participate in regional competitions, and will have musical performance and art exhibition opportunities.




The Choir sings at school masses and concerts and are showcased at various events throughout the community. The group learns a varied repertoire, perfects their vocal skills and has a lot of fun!


Color Guard

Amanda Grim

Color Guard is part of the ACCHS Marching Band and performs as pre-game and halftime entertainment at football games. They compete as a stand-alone group and participate in the spring recital and at parades.


Concert Band

Mrs. Pamela DePietro

The Concert Band performs classical and contemporary pieces for the Advent Vespers in December

and a spring concert. An audition is required in order to determine seating within the band.


Dance Team

Mrs. Adrienne Motley

Dance Team performs at varsity basketball games, pep rallies and community events. They take a Dance Team trip, ending with a recital to conclude the year. Auditions are held at the end of the year.

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Drama Club

Mr. J. T. Motley

Drama Club provides a performance opportunity for students who enjoy acting and working behind the scenes. They present an annual fall play, showcase, and also take part in improvisation nights. 


Jazz Ensemble

Mrs. Pamela DePietro

A select group of musicians who study the basics of improvisation and jazz, funk, rocks and blues theories, and perform at the spring concert.


Spring Musical

Mrs. Adrienne Motley & Mrs. Kateri Verenna

Every year, over 100 ACCHS students participate in the Spring Musical. Past productions include The Sound

of Music, Beauty and the Beast, Seussical the Musical, High School Musical, and Cinderella.


Viking Marching/Pep Band

Mrs. Pamela DePietro

The Viking Marching Band performs at all varsity football games, parades and other community events. Marching Band participates in an annual Music Department trip.

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