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Excerpt Glen Echoes 1936
Eager to answer the clarion of youth in its plea for direction of course of life's channels; it its desire to pierce the clouds with the standards of Christian morality, and to inculcate habits of right living, a plan was initiated to build a High School for the boys and girl of the Sacred Heart and neighboring parishes.
'Ere the cherished hope of a beloved Pastor, Msgr. Masson could be realized, the Master called this ambassador of Christ from his apostolic labors His noble successor, Msgr. Leo G. Fink, desirous of preserving the memory of a co-laborer and fulfilling his earnest wish formulated plans for the new structure. As the edifice towered into the air, various buildings, served to harbor the nucleus of the present Central Catholic High School. After care deliberation, the following one was chosen — "Monsignor Masson Memorial Building." A fitting tablet to one whose name is revered and honored by all.
The Corner Stone laying was held on March 20, 1927. Happiness filled the hearts of the sacrificing members of the Parish as they witnessed the celebration. Sunday, October 30, 1927 marked the dedication of this "Center of Learning." Cardinal Dougherty, accompanied by many of the Clergy, attended this solemn and impressive ceremony.
The success of the Curriculum and the receiving of State recognition is due to the untiring efforts of Dr. Charles F. Keller, who has taken an active part in the development of furtherance of education facilities, and to the co-operation of the Sisters of St. Francis. Awe and gratitude filled the hearts of the first students, as they wended their way into this "Tribute to Youth," Central Catholic High School.
The days pass quickly — June, then vacation. September dawns and marks the beginning of the second year. The years pass — each one recording a larger enrollment. One June 6, 1930 word was received from Harrisburg approving and classifying our high school as a Standard One. This month also marked another memorable event — the first Graduation. Anxious to keep alive the lesson learned 'neath the shelter of their Alma Mater, the Principal, Rt. rev. Msgr. Fink selected the motto "Semper Fidelis" — "Always Faithful" — faithful to Catholic principles; the school colors, Green and gold, significant of hope and joy; and the seal; on a field of white symbolic of purity, encompassed by the unbroken circle of the Catholic Faith are inscribed the words "Central Catholic High School, Allentown, Pa." A Cross divides the shield into four fields. The Cross symbolizes our Redemption; the Stripes, Patriotism; the Rose, Divine Love and human friendship; the Book and Torch, knowledge and enlightenment; the Dove, the inspiration of the Holy Ghost; the Ivy, the clinging to Traditions of Mother Church; the Palm, victory to be attained in studies. "Semper Fidelis" emblazoned above the shield completes the motif. "Alma Mater We Salute Thee," composted by Paul. P. Fink, was adopted as the School Song.
The second year, 1931, the graduates number twelve; 1932 - 19; 1033 - 25; 1934 - 39; 1935 - 31 and 1936 - 47 will be graduated. As years come and go, changes have been wrought, other features added, numbers increase, but with the "new" we have endeavored to hold firmly to the honorable lineage of the past. Such a record of achievement over a period of these seven years predicts greater heights of accomplishment and future.
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