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Allentown Central Catholic High School has earned a place in the Lehigh Valley as an outstanding academic institution through nine decades of quality service to education. Our curriculum is exclusively College Prep and is driven by vigorous Advanced Placement and Honors Programs. SAT results consistently lead those throughout the Diocese and surrounding communities, as do other tests of achievement and proficiency. ACCHS has earned several National Blue Ribbon Recognitions. Excellence grades, community service and achievement is “cool” at ACCHS. The results speak for themselves, with 99% of our graduates entering colleges and universities across the country.
Our faculty teach, tutor, and offer many hours of uncompensated time to the students whom they love; our students respond in kind. Teachers are supported by parents, administration, and alumni who use the data of modern research and technology; and who tirelessly challenge students to partnership in learning and growing. In addition, the school is blessed with supportive parent associations in the areas of music, art, athletics and much more. Our community has an authentic love of ACCHS because of its values and traditions.
The student body of ACCHS reflects a varied cultural heritage, which lends to the first-hand experience of the unity possible in diversity, encouraging respect and appreciation for cultural pluralism. Through interpersonal relationships with faculty and students, the individual can come to a realization of his own dignity as a free, responsible, valued child of God and a productive, caring member of society. Such an environment of learning will strengthen the student’s ability to perceive, to analyze, to choose, and to live, all with the fullness of God’s grace and love.
Our students are teenagers, young people striving to form a community, daring to challenge the values of today's world, attempting to make mature decisions; opting for Christian values and lifestyles. Our job is to nurture the seeds of faith you have already planted in the hearts and minds of your sons and daughters. Therefore, our students are encouraged to participate in the Eucharist, to discover the power of prayer and to be open to learning more about God, themselves, the people around them, and the people of global earth as well as their responsibility to each. The success of our combined efforts can best be measured by the actions of our students and their families, our faculty and administration, and the interaction of each of these groups.
Through the study of the different types of literature, students will gain knowledge and understanding of the various time periods and cultures. Our English Department seeks to create lifelong learners, enhance self-esteem, promote creativity, and develop writing and grammar proficiency. Teachers of English recognize the worth of every learner and challenge all students with meaningful activities. The students will build a foundation for college and career readiness while demonstrating the ability to respond to text in writing by employing personal experiences and critical analysis. Students will gain the ability to write in a variety of modes by developing content, employing specific forms, and selecting language appropriate for a particular audience and purpose. Students will learn how to control language by applying the conventions of standard English in writing, speaking and Broadcast Journalism, while evaluating the content, organization, and language use of texts.
Effective person to person interaction encompasses linguistic and social knowledge – two components of the world language classroom.
The contemporary organizing principle for world language study is communication; grammar and vocabulary are tools in acquiring the skill to communicate effectively with native speakers in other languages. Through the study of other languages, students gain a knowledge and understanding of cultures in which the language is spoken. By comparing and contrasting the language being studied, students come to realize that there are multiple ways of viewing the world – a necessary and critical skill in the global world of the 21st century. Language and communication are at the heart of the human experience. The goal of today’s foreign language classroom is language acquisition for communication in meaningful and appropriate ways with speakers of other languages. Languages offered: French, German, Latin, and Spanish.
We deliver a comprehensive as well as the applicable foundation of mathematics skills for students in order to prepare them for any of the different postsecondary directions they may choose. We provide a strong and broad curriculum ranging from Basic Algebra to both AP Calculus and Calculus BC. While we will continue to teach basic math concepts and skills that have been part of our curriculum for years, we recognize the need to be aware of the latest trends in mathematics education and implement the most effective ones. An emphasis on a multi-representational approach to functions is made in all of our classes, while also highlighting the importance of group work and hands-on problem-solving. In keeping with our commitment to the school-wide initiative of improving the technical skills of our students, we include level-appropriate activities that involve graphing calculators and statistical software. Our goal is to improve the critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills of every student at ACCHS.
In order to prepare our students for a world that is increasingly centered on information and technology, ACCHS offers a solid science program that is both flexible and diverse. In addition to the three core science courses of Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, we offer Anatomy & Physiology, Engineering, and Environmental Science; all of which incorporate cutting-edge, updated curriculum. Through the utilization of the computer lab, Smart Boards and other new technology, our Science classes focus on problem-solving and real-world issues. We are also looking beyond tomorrow to ensure that as new information and technology become available, we continue to involve our students in the ever-changing world of Science and Science related careers.
Our Social Studies program is comprised of experienced faculty who guide students to develop critical analysis skills to understand the history of our nation and the world, and who challenge students to become actively involved in shaping the future. Areas of study include World History, American History, Modern America, Government and Economics, Psychology, Criminal Justice and Modern Social History. We also offer a career exploration internship for Seniors only that provides qualifying students in-depth learning outside of the classroom.
Information Technology offers courses that engage students in the fields of computer and human interaction, software applications, and video production. ACCHS recognizes the importance of providing opportunities in emerging technologies and seeks to deliver opportunities for our students interested in a wide range of technology fields of study. Course study includes Accounting, Comp TIA, Personal Finance, and Entrepreneurism.
Our Fine Arts courses include traditional art fundamentals classes and Journalism & Publishing and Video Production. Students become familiar with different art media by completing assignments in drawing, painting, and sculpture. Art history and art vocabulary are integrated throughout the course. The Journalism/Publishing class enables students to participate in the development of the school yearbook as well as develop writing, research and blogging skills. Concert Band is for new or skilled musicians.
The mission of the Health & Physical Education Department is to equip the students with the necessary knowledge and skills to allow them to achieve their God-given potential – physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. Our goal is for students to grow into mature, Christian adults who will make wise decisions that reflect their Catholic faith.
The Minor Courses at ACCHS are designed to meet a wide range of student abilities, interests, and career goals and are designed to challenge students on all ability levels. The curriculum meets or exceeds the requirements of the Allentown Diocese. Each student may select from a variety of electives that are offered at each grade level. Our Minor Courses are offered with the content and method of instruction tailored to each student’s post-secondary/career intentions. Areas of study include The Saints Next Door, Film History, Creative Writing, Literature and Sports, Debate/Public Speaking, Piano, Crafts of Many Cultures, Scrapbooking, Photography, and Physical Education.