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Lehigh Valley Orthopedic Institute offers free PIAA sports physicals to our ACCHS athletes. Physicals can be scheduled at your convenience
at ExpressCARE locations throughout the region. These physicals will be done on an individual basis and appointments must be
scheduled ahead of time. Please check our weekly newsletter for available dates or click the link below and choose "Express Care"
and "Sports Physical."
> LVHN Free Physical Scheduling
Athletes will be taking their Impact tests at home. Please refer to the At-Home Testing Instructions to complete your test.
Prior to any student participating in any sport at any PIAA member school, the student is required to complete a Comprehensive Initial
Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation (CIPPE). Sections 1-5 are included on FamilyID.com. Sections 5 and 6 should be printed from the link found on FamilyID.com. After clicking on Allentown Central Catholic Spring Sports Registration, look for the link on the right-hand side of the page. Section 5 should be completed by the parent or guardian and Section 6 by an Authorized Medical Examiner (MD, DO, PAC, CRNP, SNP). Those Sections must be turned in to the Athletic Trainers. The CIPPE may not be authorized earlier than June 1st and shall be effective, regardless of when performed during a school year, until the next May 31.
NOTE: All juniors need a physical for the nurse. The forms obtained from the school nurse WILL NOT be accepted as a sports physical.
You must have Family ID and Sections 5 and 6 of the PIAA forms completed.
SUBSEQUENT SPORT(S) IN THE SAME SCHOOL YEAR: Following the completion of a CIPPE, the same student seeking to participate in subsequent sport(s) in the same school year, must complete Section 7. If any questions in Section 7 are answered yes, the student must complete Section 8 even if the athlete has been cleared from a previous illness or injury and has returned to activity. Please print Section 7 and section 8 (if needed), from the PIAA website.
All athletes are required to take the ImPACT Test (Immediate Post Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing). It is a software program designed to assist physicians and athletic trainers in the evaluation and management of head injuries. It tracks memory, reaction time, speed and concentration. It is not an IQ test. The computerized exam is given to athletes before beginning a sport as a baseline test. If a concussion is suspected or diagnosed, the athlete may be required to re-take the test. The baseline and post-injury test can then be compared. It is recommended that baseline tests be done every two years. Please no physical activity 2 hours prior to testing. Testing dates and times will be announced in the ACCHS Weekly Newsletter.
A concussion is an injury to the brain caused by a hit to the head or face. The brain can shake inside the skull causing a chemical reaction that interferes with its function. It can sometimes cause swelling or bleeding of the brain. It is very important to get medical attention for a concussion. Younger athletes brains are still developing and they need a longer time to recover from a concussion. Returning an athlete too soon to competition before the brain has healed can lead to a much more serious injury and can even lead to a catastrophic injury.
Once your son or daughter has been diagnosed with a concussion and is cleared by a licensed physician to start the Return to Play Protocol, the Athletic Trainer (ATC) will follow these guidelines below. These steps must be done under the supervision of an ATC and they are not to be done at home unless directed by the doctor.
We follow a stepwise activity progression based on recommendations in the Zurich Consensus Statement from the 3rd International Congress on Concussion in Sport as follows:
Step 1: Light aerobic exercise (i.e.: stationary bike, elliptical machine)
Step 2: Moderate aerobic exercises
Step 3: Functional exercises (increase running intensity; begin agilities, non-contact sport-specific drills)
Step 4: Non-contact practice activities
Step 5: Full contact practice
Step 6: Full gameplay
Each of these steps will take 24-48 hours to complete. The athlete will progress to the next step only if they have remained symptom-free.
If symptoms return, the athlete will be removed from activity and a 24-hour suspension of progression will take place before resuming to the previous level. If symptoms do not resolve, the athlete will be referred back to their physician. Upon successful completion of all these steps, the athlete may return to full practice and competition.
Please know that any note from a physician will not be used to override the LVHN Concussion protocol.
Coaches and parents/guardian are not qualified or allowed to make a "return to play" decision.