Coach: Anthony Sorrentino asorrentino@acchs.info Season: Spring

Coach: Dennis Csensits dcsensits@acchs.info Season: Winter

Coach: Kathy Davidowich kdavidowich@acchs.info Season: Winter

Coach: Dave Ackerman dackerman@acchs.info Season: Fall

Salisbury High School Co-op Program Season: Fall

Coach: Jake Reichard jreichard@acchs.info Season: Fall

Coach: Jim Krupka jkrup683@ptd.net Season: Fall

Coach: Jared Smith jsmith@acchs.info Season: Fall

Coach: Jared Smith jsmith@acchs.info Season: Spring

Coach: Dave Ackerman dackerman@acchs.info Season: Spring

Coach: Matt Tripoli ccvikingwrestling@gmail.com Season: Winter
ACCHS Student Athletic Trainer Program
Our Student Athletic Trainer Program is a way for students to be a vital member of a sports team, make new friends, and be a part of a team atmosphere. Our sports medicine team is always in need of responsible, reliable, and willing student athletic trainers to assist on the field or court. SACs will learn how the ACCHS Athletic Trainers help our beloved Viking and Vikette athletes behind-the-scenes.
Any student who is looking for a way to get involved with the school, get to know your classmates, add an extra-curricular to your college applications, and learn some fantastic medical information. Plus, our SACs can earn a Varsity letter, service hours and spirit wear.
Interested students may contact Jessica Cancel at Jessica_M.Cancel@LVHN.org for more information or to sign up.