Allentown Central Catholic High School, Inc. (ACCHS) makes every effort to provide an affordable, quality,
Christ-centered education for our students. The cost to educate each student exceeds the total tuition and fees that
are assessed to each student’s account. This means every student is granted a discounted tuition.
2024 – 2025 School Tuition and Fees
Tuition and fees approved by the Board of Governance on April 3, 2024.
Each family must set up a student account and choose a payment plan through Simple Tuition Systems. One-pay, two-pay, quarterly, and monthly (based on 11 months) payment plans are offered through STS. Creating an STS account and selecting a payment plan must be completed by May 1, 2024. No student will receive class schedules if these two steps are not completed. STS does not charge a fee for families who select a one-time Annual Payment. STS charges the following (one-time) for extended Payment Plans: Semi-Annual – $10, Quarterly – $25, Monthly – $40.
The total cost to educate each student is more than $12,300 (for the 2024-2025 school year). ACCHS discounts this cost to keep the total tuition and fees as affordable as possible for our families. In addition, ACCHS does offer financial aid to those families that qualify based on financial need. Financial aid applications must be submitted each year through the STS website; there is a nominal ($25) STS fee to apply. Maximum consideration for financial aid will be extended to all families that have submitted their completed applications by June 1, 2024.
No new Financial Aid applications will be accepted after October 1, 2024.
ACCHS has a Tuition Collection Policy that is approved each year by our Board of Directors. The Policy details the collection process for those accounts that become past due. Please click on the link below to access this Policy.
> Review ACCHS Tuition Collection Policy
The ACCHS Finance Department wants to ensure each family has the opportunity to provide a quality, Catholic education for their child.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding tuition and fees of an ACCHS education, please contact the following Finance Department staff: Michelle Billig, Tuition Manager, 610-437-4601, ext. 114 or mbillig@acchs.info; and Curtis Zerfass, Director of Finance, (610) 437-4601, ext. 149 or czerfass@acchs.info.